VNSGU Recruitment 2017
Veer Narmad South Gujarat University (VNSGU) published latest jobs notification for the various Teaching Assistant Post on VNSGU Official website : So, Interested & Eligible candidates must apply online this jobs before read full official notification and other details e.g. No. of posts, name of post, Educational qualification, Age limit, Selection process, How to apply, Jobs notification, imporatant dates etc. are as under.
VNSGU Jobs 2017 for Teaching Assistant
Veer Narmad South Gujarat University invites online applications for the post of Teaching Assistant in the post graduate departments of the University that are to be filled for academic year 2017-18 purely on temporary and contractual basis. Interested candidate shall be required to apply online on or before 20/07/2017 till 6:00 pm at: The other details about application form fee, number of post and minimum qualifications are available on the University website: and Applicant needs to send one hard copy of the application on or before 27/07/2017 along with all self attested testimonials, certificates and supporting documents to undersigned.
Veer Narmad South Gujarat University Job details
No. of posts: 57 post
Name of posts:
- Aquatic Biology
- Biotechnology
- Chemistry (SFP)
- Chemistry (Evening)
- Mathametics
- Physics
- Statistics
- Commerce
- Comparative Literature
- Hindi
- Economics
- Fine Arts
- Interior Design
- Mass Communication & Journalism
- Sociology
- S.W.
- Human Resource Development
- Law / B.Com. LL.B.
- Education
- ICT/ M.Sc. I.T
- Rural Studies/ MRS
Educational qualification:Post Wise Various see in official notification.
Selection Process : VNSGU Jobs candidates Final selection will be based on Interview
How to apply:
- Interested candidate shall be required to apply online on or before 20/07/2017 till 6:00 pm at: The other details about application form fee, number of post and minimum qualifications are available on the University website: and Applicant needs to send one hard copy of the application on or before 27/07/2017 along with all self attested testimonials, certificates and supporting documents to undersigned.

Important dates & Official notification & other details.
- Last Date to Apply Online: 20/07/2017
- Last Date to send hard copies: 27/07/2017
- 1_Employment Notice – Teaching Assistant
4_Documents Required
5_Application Fees
6_Application Process - Apply online