ONGC Recruitment 2017 for Engineering
ONGC Specialists / Experts Vacancy 2017
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd (ONGC) published latest jobs official notification for the post of Specialists / Experts in Engineering Cadre at ONGC website So Interested & Eligible candidates can apply online for this recruitment read full official notification and other details are mention below pdf notification file.
ONGC 2017 Jobs Details
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC), a “Maharatna” Public Sector Enterprise, and India’s flagship energy major is engaged in Exploration and Production of Oil and Gas in India and abroad. A global player in energy, it contributes about 65% of India’s domestic Oil and Gas production. Currently, ONGC through its subsidiary ONGC Videsh is India’s largest Transnational Corporate with overseas investment of over 10 billion USD in 17 countries.
No. of Posts: 81
Name of Posts: Specialists / Experts
Discipline wise Vacancy
- Chemistry: 11 Posts
- Civil: 02 Posts
- Drilling: 04 Posts
- Electrical: 01 Post
- Environment: 01 Post
- Geology: 10 Posts
- Geophysicist (W): 08 Posts
- Geophysicist (S): 17 Posts
- Mechanical: 02 Posts
- Palaeontology: 01 Post
- Production: 19 Posts
- Reservoir: 05 Posts
Educational Qualification: Various Engineering degree like Post Graduate degree in Chemistry/ Graduate degree in Chemical Engineering , Microbiology/Bio technology/Molecular biology, Chemistry with Geology in graduation, etc pls. read full official notification before apply.
Essential requirements in qualification: The courses offered by Institutions/ Universities through the regular mode should be approved/ recognized by the necessary statutory bodies for employment to posts and services under the Central Government like Association of Indian Universities (AIU)/UGC/AICTE etc. Candidates who have obtained their qualification through distance learning/ part time mode are also eligible to apply provided their qualification is recognized by the relevant statutory bodies for employment to posts and services of the Central Government.
Age Limit: Various (See details in official advertisement)
Period of Engagement
- The Specialists/Experts will be engaged for a pre-determined period of upto maximum four years, or on attainment of 60 years whichever is earlier.
- The pre-determined period for engagement shall be decided by the Competent Authority of ONGC.
- The engagement shall end on expiry of the prescribed tenure period and no separate notice shall be required to be given.
- The engagement shall be a one-time exercise with no provision for re-engagement or extension of the contract once entered into.
- The services of Specialists/experts will be exclusive & on full time basis to ONGC
Selection Process
Selection will be on the basis of Educational Qualification, Experience and performance in personal Interview. Candidates can only be called for interview provided they are shortlisted as per the shortlisted criteria of the applied post. The general shortlisting criteria would be as follows:
Qualification : 30 marks ( 20 marks for minimum qualification., 3 marks for addl. higher inline qualification, addl. 3 marks for Ph.D. and addl. 3 marks(Maximum) for papers(one mark for every paper) published only in international/national journals or 3 Marks for certification for certain posts given as preference. In case a candidate also possesses the preferred qualification, he shall be awarded 1 mark irrespective of the fact that it may already have secured 3 marks for inline higher qualification.
Experience: Maximum 40 marks (Weightage of the marks of shortlisting criteria)
Interview: 30 marks.
Total: 100 marks
In order to qualify in the interview, General and OBC candidate must obtain a minimum of 60% marks and SC/ST candidate must obtain a minimum of 40% marks.
How to Apply
Interested & Eligible Candidates can apply online ONGC Recruitment 2017 from Indian nationals fulfilling the requirements may apply online at the given link on Candidates need to apply online only. No other mode will be accepted for receiving application. ii. Before registering/submitting their online applications on the website the candidates should possess the following: a. Valid Mobile number in which the OTP will be sent for completing the registration process b. Valid E-mail ID. c. Scanned copy of recent passport size colour photograph of the candidate with white background containing signature of the candidate in a small white sheet pasted just below the photograph (Not more than 70 KB size) d. Scanned copy of all certificates such as age, qualification and experience (Each scanned certificate not more than 1MB of size) iii. Candidates has to upload scanned copy of all certificates such as age, qualification and experience issued by the competent authority. In case of experience certificate, it should be clearly spelt out that the issuing authority is competent to issue such experience certificate.

Official Notification & Important Date
Advertisement No.: 8/2017 (R&P)
Start Date for receiving online application: 13/10/2017 (started 12:00 Noon)
Last date for receipt of online application: 03/11/2017 (till 12:00 hrs.)
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