GPSC State Tax Inspector Result 2020 | GPSC STI Result 2020 | Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) published Jobs / Recruitment The Final Result / Marks of Advt. No. 80/2018-19 for the Post of State Tax Inspector (Class-3) at OJAS GPSC Website at given below details.
GPSC STI Result 2020 (Merit Marks)
The result of the Combined Competitive Examination (Main) for the post of State Tax Inspector, Class-III (Advertisement No. 80/2018-19) held on 24-November2019 and 01-December-2019 is hereby declared as per Annexure-I. . The above result is declared taking into consideration the provisions of the State Tax Inspector, Class-III Competitive Examination Rules, 2018, dated 12th October, 2018 and amendments made thereafter from time to time and other relevant applicable criteria.
GPSC State Tax Inspector (STI) Result 2018-19
Name of Jobs : State Tax Inspector (Class – 3)
Advertisement No.: 80/2018-19
GPSC STI Qualifying Standards (Cut‐Off Marks):
- General : 169.75 Marks (Birth Date upto 23.03.1994)
- General Female : 155.75 Marks
- EWS : 163.75 Marks
- EWS Female : 147.25 Marks
- S&EBC 160.25 Marks
- S&EBC Female : 144.25 Marks
- S.C. 159.75 Marks
- S.C. Female : 143.75 Marks
- S.T. 131.00 Marks
- S.T. Female : 128.50 Marks
- Disabled : Gen.-158.50, Gen.-Fem.-145.50, S&EBC-150.50 Marks
- Ex-Serviceman: S&EBC – 148.00 Marks
The Exam was held on 24-November 2019 and 01-December-2019
Final Result: Click Here