Ahmedabad Dist. Co-op. Milk Producers (Uttam Dairy) Recruitment
Ahmedabad Dist. Co-op. Milk Producers’ Union Ltd (Uttam Dairy) recently published Jobs Advertisement Notification for the Various Post at mentioned below.
Uttam Dairy Recruitment / Bharti 2017-18
Uttam Dairy Invite Application for the Post of Diploma Engineer, Managing Director, Engineer, Information Technology Filed etc at mention below So Interested & Eligible Candidates apply Uttam Dairy Recruitment 2017 from mention below link and read full official jobs notification.
Name of Posts:
Managing Director :-
- Education : A degree in Dairy Technology’/ Food Technology /Engineering I Animal Husbandry. Candidates having Business/Marketing Management Degree/Diploma from a recognized university will be considered as an additional qualification.
Diploma Engineers (Instrumentation and control):-
- Education : The incumbent should be Diploma in Instrumentation and control, Engineering from recognized ·university/Institute with first class. Preference will be given to Dairy/food processing unit having working knowledge of ERP/SAP system.
- Education : The incumbent should be Degree Electrical or Mechanical and Instrumentation & Control Engineering from recognized University/ Institute with the first class having minimum 05 years experience. Preference will be given to Dairy/food processing unit having working knowledge of ERP/SAP system.
Information Technology:-
(A) Network Engineer:- ‘The incumbent should be Bachelor’s degree B.E./B.Tech in Computer Science with minimum 2-5 years relevant experience. Industry Certification : CNNCCNP/MCSNITIL is mandatory.
(B) Software Engineer:- Bachelor’s degree B.E./B.Tech./M.C.A. in computer science I I.T. with 2-3 years experience. industry Certification:- Any certified developer certification (NET/ Java) will be added advantage. MCSNDatabase management skills will be an added advantage.
(C) Data Entry Operator:- The incumbent should be B.C.A./M.C.A. from recognized University/ Institute with the first class having minimum 02 years experience in ERP/SAP system.
Dairy Technologists:-
- Education : The incumbent should be B.Tech./M.Tech. (Dairy Technology/Dairy Microbiology/ Dairy Chemistry from recognized University/Institute with the first class having minimum 05 years expenence 1n dairy/food processing unit having working knowledge of ERP/SAP system.
The incumbent should be M.Tech./M.E/B.E. from recognized University/ Institute with first-class having minimum 10 years experience. Working knowledge of ERP/SAP system.
The incumbent should be Post Graduate with Diploma In Material Managment from recognized University/Institute with first class having working knowledge of 5 years in Stores Department and working knowledge of ERP/SAP system
Selection Process: The Applicant if Selected will be leading team of highly qualified managers to perform and establish Techno Economics of the Dairy and convert all its functional areas into profit center. Final Selection will be on Interview Base.
How to Apply:
- MD: Candidates who fulfil the addressed eligibility may send their application to the In-charge Managing Director on below-mentioned address along with complete bio-data and recent passport size photograph within 10 days from the date of advertisement. Uttam Dairy, Near Sukhramnagar, Gomtipur, Ahmedabad·380 021
- Other Posts: Eligible candidates may send their application & necessary documents to given address below within 15 days of Advertisement.
Address : The in-charge Managing Director, Ahmedabad Dist. Co-op. Milk Producers’ Union Ltd (Uttam Dairy), Near Sukhramnagar, Gomtipur, Ahmedabad·380 021.
View Ahmedabad Dist. Co-op. Milk Producers’ Union Jobs notification : Read Here

Important Dates :
Last Date jobs Jobs Application Submission :
For MD: Within 10 days from the date of Advt. Published
For Other Posts: Within 10 days from the date of Advt. Published (Advt. Published Date: 21-11-2017)