IFFCO Trainee 2021 | IFFCO Trainee of Fireman | Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Limited (IFFCO) released an official Jobs notification for the post of Trainee fireman at given below details.
IFFCO Trainee Fireman Recruitment 2021
Name of posts: Trainee Fireman
Education Qualification : Three years Full-time regular BSc degree (Fire & Safety) with minimum aggregate of 60% marks for General/OBC Candidates & with minimum aggregate of 55% marks for SC/ST candidates from UGC recognized University/ Institution and passed in the year 2018 or thereafter are only eligible to apply. ITI (Fire) or equivalent course of one year or six months approved by State/Central Government with minimum aggregate of 60% marks for General/OBC Candidates & with minimum aggregate of 55% marks for SC/ST candidates and passed in the year 2018 or thereafter are only eligible to apply.
Age Limit : Between 18 years & 28 years as on 01st April, 2021. (relaxable by 5 years for SCs/STs & by 3 years for OBC category not belonging to creamy layer)
Physical Standards & Eye Vision (common for both the qualifications) : Minimum Height 165 Cm, Weight 50 Kg, Chest 81 Cm (Normal) and 86 Cm (Expanded) Concession of 2.5 CM in height is allowed for SC/ST candidates from hilly areas. Vision: 6/6 without wearing glasses or another aid. Night blindness/Colour blindness shall be a disqualification.
Physical Efficiency Test (PET) for ITI (Fire) or equivalent course : (i) 100 meters race with 50 Kgs of Sand bag (ii) Climbing on rope upto 12 feet with hands and feet & (iii) carrying a man of 63 Kg. weight to a distance of 183 Mtrs. in 96 seconds.
Selection Procedure : I) For BSc. (Fire & Safety) – Physical Fitness ,Online Test & Interview & For ITI (Fire) or equivalent course – Physical Fitness, Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Online Test & Interview
How to Apply : Interested and eligible candidates may apply online in the prescribed Application Form available on IFFCO’s website www.iffco.in /www.iffcoyuva.in latest by 10th May, 2021. Application sent through any other mode will not be entertained.
- Official Jobs notification
- Click to apply on-line: https://aavedan.iffco.coop/iffcorecruitment/.
Last Date : 10-05-2021